
Green plants and trees at 映客直播 campus

Academic Catalogs

These catalogs set forth 映客直播 academic program requirements and academic policies.

2024 Academic Year Catalogs

Program requirements are in effect for the year students begin their studies at 映客直播. Students starting at MU in the 2024-25 academic year (AY 2023) follow the requirements in the AY 2024 catalog throughout their course of study. It is possible to move forward, but not back in a catalog year. You should work with your Academic and Career Advisor if you think you need forward to a new catalog.

Academic policies in the current catalog are the policy requirements for all students, no matter the date of entry.

Please select the catalog for the program you are in:

Other Active Academic Year Catalogs

Previous academic year catalogs remain active for five (5) years. Students who remain enrolled for more than six years or who return and extend their studies more than six years beyond their initial catalog year, must request to move forward to the current catalog or to one of the active catalogs listed below:

AY 2023

Undergraduate Academic Catalog (Campus Programs) | Graduate Catalog (Campus Programs) | Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog Addendum

AY 2022

Undergraduate Academic Catalog (Campus Programs) | Graduate Catalog (Campus Programs) | Addendum – DPT Courses, Curriculum Plan | MU Online Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

AY 2021

Undergraduate Academic Catalog听触 Addendum – Omitted Courses | Graduate Academic Catalog听触 Addendum – OTD Term Dates | MU Online Academic Catalog

AY 2020

Undergraduate Academic Catalog听触 Addendum – CSC Course | Graduate Academic Catalog听触 Addendum – OTD Courses | Addenda – DPT Courses

AY 2019

Undergraduate Academic Catalog | Undergraduate Addenda – Visiting Student LettersHonor CodeGrade Appeals | Graduate Academic Catalog | Graduate Addendum – DPT Courses

Academic Catalog Archives

Students, faculty, or alumni who wish to access even older catalogs for reference purposes can visit Davis Memorial Library鈥檚 Academic Catalog Archives page.