
Human Resources manages the employee information of 映客直播听and is located in the Horner Administration Building.

Prospective Employees

To apply for a position, go to the Positions Availablepage and click on the job posting. At the bottom of the posting, you will see a button to apply.

Current Employees

Employee Information

Employee Benefits

Employment Verification

For all verifications of employment, please contact Moniek Phinisee at 910.630.7613 or lphinisee@methodist.edu.


Debra Yeatts, M.B.A.

Chief Human Resources Officer
Debra Yeatts

Human Resources Staff

Jennifer Dumond, B.S.

Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer
Jennifer Dumond

Matthew Dempster, B.S.

Director, Institutional Compliance & Title IX Coordinator
Matthew Dempster