
Human Resources manages the employee information of 映客直播听and is located in the Horner Administration Building.

Prospective Employees

To apply for a position, go to the Positions Availablepage and click on the job posting. At the bottom of the posting, you will see a button to apply.

Current Employees

Employee Information

Employee Benefits

Employment Verification

For all verifications of employment, please contact Human Resources at [email protected].

Access to 1095-C Forms

Due to the Paperwork Reduction Act and the Employer Reporting Improvement Act passed by Congress and signed into law in December 2024, 映客直播 is following the Paperwork Reduction Act that amends the ACA by no longer requiring employers to send physical copies of 1095-C Forms to the employees and former employees.

All employees will receive an email notification from BenefitFirst stating the 1095-C Form is available on their website.

To retrieve your 1095-C form online, please adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Access the employee portal at
  2. On the Home Screen, click tab in upper right hand corner labeled 鈥淢y 1095鈥

Should you have any inquiries and require assistance in accessing your 1095-C, please contact Kathy Allan, Employee Benefits Specialist, at [email protected].


Debra Yeatts, MBA

Chief Human Resources Officer
Debra Yeatts

Human Resources Staff

Kathy Allan

Benefits Specialist
Kathy Allan

Jennifer Dumond, B.S.

Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer
Jennifer Dumond

Brittany Rose, B.S.

Student Employment & Outreach Coordinator
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